Amazon Smile!

Hello again!

We are happy to announce that PFLAG Coeur d’Alene is now an official charity listed with Amazon Smile! This is an easy way for you to help us fund-raise with purchases you were going to make anyway! With all the online holiday shopping you’re already doing, it’s simple to add PFLAG Coeur d’Alene as your favorite charity and have a percentage of your eligible purchase donated to our programs.

Simply go to and sign in with your Amazon ID. In “choose your charity”, search for PFLAG Coeur d’Alene and you will find us. Select and that’s it! Shop Amazon like you regularly would– the prices are exactly the same, but when you check out, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the subtotal (pre-tax and shipping) to our group.

To learn more, go here.

amazon smile

Safe In My Hands (new Allstate campaign)

We’re all familiar with the personal property insurance company, Allstate and the deep-voiced African American spokesperson, Dennis Haysbert. Well, Allstate has a new campaign in honor of Pride Month.

Singer/songwriter, Eli Leib, has offered his talents to provide the music for the new commercial. Watch it here:

It’s very sweet. You can download the song for free here.

In addition to providing services tailored specifically to the needs of LGBT domestic partnerships, they are running some hashtag activism, much like our own Straight For Equality photo drive (more on that here). Go here and upload a photo of you and your loved one #outholdinghands.

“Being visible should never leave you feeling vulnerable… everyone deserves to be in good hands.”